Friday, March 26, 2010

Proverbs 15:31+32

He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise.

He who ignores discipline despises himself,
But whoever heeds correction gains understanding.

Over and over in the proverbs of Solomon we find the theme of humility in correction. Solomon himself was the wisest man who ever lived, filled with knowledge beyond compare. He was a king who was more rich than any king before him. Anything Solomon wanted, it was his. If we were in that situation, just how humble would we be? It is hard to imagine someone rebuking Solomon – and yet Solomon, if it came from a credible source, would have heeded the wisdom of others. We read that Solomon set up a council of elders who advised him through every decision; even Solomon listened to advise from Godly counsel.

How do you react to correction? Do you get defensive? Impatient? Angry? Or are you humble and accepting of rebuke? Proverbs says to love wisdom is to love rebuke. Proverbs 19:20 says this clearly and succinctly, “Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.” None of us have this all down. None of us are a finished project - God is still working on all of us. He was still working on Solomon. Be slow to anger, slow to speak, and quick to listen. Who do you have to correct you in your life? Do you accept instruction? You will never know wisdom if you have neither.

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