Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Isaiah 2:22

Stop trusting in man,
who has but a breath in his nostrils.
Of what account is he?

In Genesis 2:7 we read, “the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Jesus is the source. He is the one who gave us breath that we may speak; and yet, so often we find ourselves trusting in the words of man instead of in the Word of God.

Our culture is obsessed with idolizing people. We elevate and expect people to be something that we are not, and then when we find out that they are like us – we curse them for it. Think of the recent fall of Tiger Woods - a man who has talent beyond compare on the golf course, elevated as a hero and inspiration to kids and golfers around the world. And yet, he is a man – fallen as each of us are. This fact was illuminated and magnified in the recent events revealing his sex addiction which resulted in several affairs. He never asked for our trust, and yet we were quick to give it. Should it really be any surprise that he let us down?

Perhaps you have trusted in yourself and your own abilities. Maybe you have trusted in a man you perceive to be Godly – a pastor or a grandfather. Maybe you trust in a coworker who you assume will always have your back. We are creatures looking to trust. We need someone to run to. Someone to look up to. And someone to steady the stormy waters of life.

The truth is that everything changes. People are people, and our words are just words.

But God is God. As He was, He is. As He is, He always will be. His Word never changes. Until we anchor ourselves in Christ, we will never know peace in our lives. Until we lean our ladder on Him, we will reach the top with disappointment. Who are you trusting in? Creation or Creator?

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