Monday, March 22, 2010

Psalm 138:8a

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me.

We often pray to God, asking Jesus that He would guide us in our lives. We ask Him that we would know His purpose for our life and that we can walk in it. These are not bad things, but are we too often focused on what we do to fulfill God's purpose for our life? Instead of always asking God that He would be glorified in our lives, praise Him that He will be glorified no matter what.

I recently heard someone say that we will bring glory to God no matter what - it's what part of God's character we glorify that depends on how we live our life and if we submit to Him or not. See, even those that will be damned to hell for their rejection of Jesus will bring glory to God's unending strength, righteousness, and justice. Those who have experienced salvation through Jesus Christ will glorify God's grace and compassion. Even in this life, many times the continual acts of evil men bring about their own downfall and God gets the glory.

My intent is not that we become apathetic towards the issue, but that we would recognize that it is God alone who directs our path. Psalm 119:91 says, "Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve You." God is sovereign and in control; He will fulfill His purpose for you and for I despite ourselves.

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