Monday, January 24, 2011

The Most Savage of Men and The Beauty of Life

Either this week or last week was Sanctity of Life week and my attention has been brought upon the horrors of abortion. I don't even know where to start to try and make a difference, so I'll just share with you what I wrote in my journal earlier today:

"Today I am thinking of the 1.5 million babies who will be killed this year and the 50 million that have been aborted since 1973. My heart is devastated. What evil our age knows! We are the most savage of men in all of history! We mask our evil and wickedness as 'progress'! We will do anything and everything for that ever lurking 'god' who we worship; the only measure of right and wrong; the foulest idol of god that ever the mind has imagined - the god of ME!

In the ages past man would elevate the sun or the moon, a great river, or an idol hedged out of stone and place it on the throne of 'god'. We call this foolishness and debauchery, and yet WE - the doers and proponents of evil, wickedness, and malice - WE are our own god! We bow to our knowledge and we worship our status. We stand at the precipice of history as that so-called great and noble 'modern man'.

And yet more blood was spilled in the 20th century than all the centuries past! Countless millions lost on the battlefields; 6 million Jews slaughtered by one man and a group of people who bowed to his throne; and now this- 50 million unborn, innocent children, ripped from their life support and thrown into trash cans by men in white-collared attire! And this is what we have come to! We stand for civil rights when it's ourselves that are in oppression and injustice, but what of the mass execution of innocent life? Who will stand up for them? Who will be the voice of reason, hope, and justice for the missing children of the world? I am in anguish and depression...and I think of Caden."

And at that moment I was drawn away from writing by Caden himself. Such a sweet little baby boy - a blessing. I have a whole new reason to despise abortion. I think back to that moment when Caden was born...the most beautiful moment of my life as the nurses lay him on Angela's chest. Machines are beeping, the nurses are shouting orders, and there is chaos in the room...but all I heard was one thing - the cry of my baby boy. A living being, breathing for the first time, not knowing what's going on. And suddenly those legs that had been kicking for room inside of Mommy's tummy had all the room in the world. Those mysterious sounds which he only knew from inside his cozy home became real and scary as he entered the light. Doctors will tell you that, even in the womb, babies experience REM sleep. This means Caden had already had his first dream. All of the DNA information of Caden Christopher Sanchez was present from the moment of conception, unique traits - his big blue eyes, his soft brown hair, his Mommy's dimple, his delicate pale skin - they were all there from the start, he just hadn't grown into it yet.

Now tell me, was it just tissue? Or was he a person? Abortion is murder.

Please, if you are considering an abortion, call a church in your area to find out the nearest clinic that offers other life-saving ways of providing for you new baby.


Angela said...

Very touching and true. We need to pray about how we can make a difference with this issue, without "waging war" against people.
Truth in love...

Garrett Sanchez said...

PlannedParenthood consistently skirts around what exactly they are doing, they refer to abortion as simply "Emptying your uterus." Emptying your uterus of what? A person. A baby. A living being.

If you want to see just how savage we are, watch this video - not because it shows gory images, but precisely because of what it doesn't show - elevating the simple right to choose what's best for yourself.

For a more beautiful video, watch "The Miracle of Life"

Anonymous said...

When I read this, I think of the song,.."Break my heart for what breaks Yours" We, as believers, should be heartbroken for what is being done to these little ones, all in the name of "choice".
So thankful for the people who are reaching out in love and educating some of these young mothers about the precious, innocent life that is growing inside them.
